Vision: Creating communities that are happy, healthy and free from dental disease


School-Based Dental Services
Home Health
Community-Based CareCenters and Shelters
Tribal and Rural/Frontier Lands
Nursing Homes/Assisted Living
Special Needs

Who can we help?

Population Served

Elderly, veterans, seniors, at risk children and adults at home, schools, rural and tribal communities, community health centers, churches, day centers, housing program locations, shelters, assisted living facilities and general dental offices.

How does the program work?

Community Dental Connections is a mobile, cost effective and efficient healthcare delivery model. This program allows licensed dental professionals to deliver mobile care in a variety of settings with minimal overhead costs. The program is founded in a dental hygiene-based model to ensure focus remains on education and disease prevention.


All volunteers and employees must follow Nevada Statues, Rules and

Regulation that governs the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene as listed in

NRS 631 and NAC 631 and 459.  They must also follow the most current CDC guidelines for infection control in the dental office and abide by HIPAA regulations. Liability Insurance must be maintained during the duration of the program.


The program will operate on a part time basis as community needs dictate and on a year-round schedule. Hours may include weekdays and evenings and weekends. Since the intent is convenience, hours will be determined by site location and fall in line with standard operating hours of the site location.  


All patients will be presented with a social/medical history and consent/data collection form. Data collection form may include, but not limited to: demographics, income, insurance, contact information and media release.


 Minors should have a legal guardian or parent complete forms, but in

the case of at-risk minor that is homeless or part of a sex trafficking rehabilitation

program and no legal guardian is present, then the recipient seeking care and an

adult who is affiliated with a program Community Dental Connections partners with

will sign the consent for treatment.


Before treatment, patients will produce a signed medical history form and positive consent for Community Dental Connections staff to render treatment. Patients can opt out of any services.


All records will be kept for a minimum of 5 years and Community Dental Connections will adhere to all current state recordkeeping laws.


A report may be given at the end of the appointment to ensure the patient is aware of all services provided. This form will also have 24-hour contact information for Community Dental Connections. All patients receive a dental referral recommendation to promote establishment of a dental home and need for follow up care. Urgent cases receive case management.

**Please see documents tab for required forms/documents/paperwork

Mission Statement

Bringing high quality dental services to vulnerable populations in a convenient and cost-effective manner, regardless of their ability to pay.


Optimal oral health is a critical component of overall health. We aim to provide free or low-cost dental hygiene services, case management and dental referrals to low income and (un)underserved populations in Nevada in an effort to improve oral and overall wellness. Oral healthcare needs would be met through dental screenings, oral hygiene instruction, problem prevention, education, prophylaxis, scaling and root planning, fluoride application and sealants through evidence-based clinical Best Practices.  All patients would receive follow up case management and referrals.

Dental Sealants

Fluoride Varnish

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral Health Assessments

Teeth and Gums

Preventive Cleanings

Therapeutic Cleanings

Data Collection

local, state,national


Oral and Overall Health

Airway Screenings


Couseling on diet, habits, lifestyle

Vaping and Tobacco Cessation